Coligone Liquid


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Coligone Liquid is designed to be administered either by oral syringe or added to the feed. It contains natural active ingredients which help maintain healthy acid levels and supports a healthy digestive tract.

Administering Coligone Liquid on first signs of discomfort may combat bloated, gassy or tucked up tummies which can be associated with stress.

Directions for use: 50 ml Syringe to be administered orally as required or mixed with feed .

Can be fed on a daily basis 50ml twice a day to support the digestive tract and aid the stomach against gastric acid.

Helps to maintain healthy acid levels in the gut and may be used during periods where disturbance of the microflora has occurred within the digestive tract.

Can assist with problems caused by raised acid levels such as wind sucking, tucking up, grumpy behaviour and poor performance in competition horses.


Excellent for use on a daily basis for horses which suffer the side effects of excessive gastric acid. Coligone’s unique action coats the stomach and provides a buffer-raft, to protect the delicate upper areas of the stomach from excessive gastric acid.

Excellent for use whilst travelling. (where the horse is less likely to eat and is experiencing higher levels of stress)

  • Coligone contains a mucosal buffer which assists the delicate stomach lining.
  • Veterinary endorsed and routinely used for pre/post operative care in foals and horses.
  • Contains 10 applications of Coligone Liquid in 500ml bottles.
  • Can be administered during periods of stress to help maintain healthy acid levels.
  • Contains active ingredients to combat bloated, windy tummies and associated problems.
  • Ideal for use when travelling or competing to maintain healthy acid levels in the gut.
  • Raised gastric acid levels can be caused by the stress of travelling and long periods without food where sufficient saliva isn’t being produced to buffer excess gastric

Seaweed Buffer 50g/L,

Sodium Bicarbonate 26.7g/L,

Calcium Carbonate 16g/L

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